Fixing Ctrl+Backtick in VSCode

Yesterday, I encountered this issue while coding with Visual Studio Code. The default terminal shortcut Ctrl+` didn't work on my new laptop. After some research, I learned that some CJK keyboards/IMEs may reserve it for internal use, and the reserved key can still be used globally. So I tried to write a fixer to register it as a global hotkey and forward its keypress messages. Fortunately, it worked.

Markdown Examples

Markdown 是一门轻量级标记语言,用简洁的语法替代了手动排版,让我们更专注于写作。简而言之,我们通过一些符号告诉计算机「应当怎样排列一段文字」。

这篇文章简单介绍了常用的语法,并附带一些示例与参考链接。这些语法占用了一部分标点符号,若正文中需要用到它们,使用 转义字符