Markdown Examples
Markdown 是一门轻量级标记语言,用简洁的语法替代了手动排版,让我们更专注于写作。简而言之,我们通过一些符号告诉计算机「应当怎样排列一段文字」。
这篇文章简单介绍了常用的语法,并附带一些示例与参考链接。这些语法占用了一部分标点符号,若正文中需要用到它们,使用 转义字符。
Once is the inspirational tale of two kindred spirits who find each other on the bustling streets of Dublin.
One is a street musician who lacks the confidence to perform his own songs.
The other is a young mother trying to find her way in a strange new town.
As their lives intertwine, they discover each others talents and push one another to realize what each had only dreamt about before. Once is their inspiring story.
Once is the inspirational tale of two kindred spirits who find each other on the bustling streets of Dublin.
One is a street musician who lacks the confidence to perform his own songs.
The other is a young mother trying to find her way in a strange new town.As their lives intertwine, they discover each others talents and push one another to realize what each had only dreamt about before. Once is their inspiring story.
在行首放置一到六个 #
# Once
## Glen Hansard
## Marketa Irglova
##### Once is their inspiring story
Glen Hansard
Marketa Irglova
Once is their inspiring story
在行首放置一个 >
建立引用块。引用块可容纳另一个块,如果内部的块占用多行,需在每一行前加上 >
> A thirty-something busker (Guy) performs with his guitar on Grafton Street,
> a Dublin shopping district and chases a man who steals his money.
> > Lured by his music, a young Czech flower seller (Girl) talks to him about his songs.
A thirty-something busker (Guy) performs with his guitar on Grafton Street, a Dublin shopping district and chases a man who steals his money.
Lured by his music, a young Czech flower seller (Girl) talks to him about his songs.
列表有两种。一种是有序表,有从 1 开始的数字为每一项编号;另一种是无序表,每一项前面都有一个点作为标记。连续且同类型的列表项自然形成一个列表。单个列表项可容纳另一个块,如果内部的块占用多行,需用空格将每一行的内容起始处对齐,参考 示例。
在行首放置一个 *
或 -
- Delighted to learn that he repairs hoovers, Girl insists that Guy fix her broken hoover.
- The next day Girl returns with her broken hoover and tells Guy that she is also a musician.
At a music store where Girl regularly plays piano, Guy teaches her one of his songs ("Falling Slowly"); they sing and play together.
Delighted to learn that he repairs hoovers, Girl insists that Guy fix her broken hoover.
The next day Girl returns with her broken hoover and tells Guy that she is also a musician.
At a music store where Girl regularly plays piano, Guy teaches her one of his songs ("Falling Slowly"); they sing and play together.
在序号之后接上一个 .
或 )
1. Guy invites her to his father's shop, and on the bus home musically answers Girl's question about what his songs are about:
2. a long-time girlfriend who cheated on him, then left ("Broken Hearted Hoover Fixer Sucker Guy").
- Guy invites her to his father's shop, and on the bus home musically answers Girl's question about what his songs are about:
- a long-time girlfriend who cheated on him, then left ("Broken Hearted Hoover Fixer Sucker Guy").
通过一对 ```
或 ~~~
建立代码块。在首行的末尾可添加别名 (Alias) 设置高亮显示的语言。若高亮功能由 highlight.js 提供,在 这里 能够找到可用的别名。若高亮功能由 prism.js 提供,在 这里 能够找到可用的别名。
``` rust
fn main() {
println!("Hello, Markdown");
fn main() { println!("Hello, Markdown"); }
通过 |
分隔文本自然形成一个表格,第一行是表头。可选择在第二行的每一列中填满 -
,然后添加 :
| cats | always | meow |
| :---- | :----: | --------------: |
| music | always | evokes memories |
| life | always | works out |
cats always meow music always evokes memories life always works out
输入 ***
或 ---
At the shop, Guy introduces Girl to his father and takes her to his room, but when he asks her to stay the night, Girl feels insulted and leaves.
The next day, they reconcile and spend the week writing, rehearsing and recording songs.
At the shop, Guy introduces Girl to his father and takes her to his room, but when he asks her to stay the night, Girl feels insulted and leaves.
The next day, they reconcile and spend the week writing, rehearsing and recording songs.
链接包含 文字、地址、标题 三部分,格式为 [文字](<地址> "标题")
Girl rehearses lyrics for one of Guy's songs ("[If You Want Me]( "Music From The Motion Picture Once")"), singing to herself while walking down the street; at a party, people perform impromptu (including "Gold").
Girl rehearses lyrics for one of Guy's songs ("If You Want Me"), singing to herself while walking down the street; at a party, people perform impromptu (including "Gold").
链接地址可在正文中直接使用,也可以用 <>
「If You Want Me」 is available at <>.
「If You Want Me」 is available at
通过一个标签,链接的 地址 与标题,可同文字关联起来。引用时格式为 [文字][标签]
,定义时格式为 [标签]: <地址> "标题"
Guy works on "[Lies]", a [song][Lies] about his ex-girlfriend, who moved to London. Girl encourages him to win her back. Invited to the woman's home, Guy discovers that Girl has a toddler and lives with her mother.
[Lies]: "Music From The Motion Picture Once"
Guy works on "Lies", a song about his ex-girlfriend, who moved to London. Girl encourages him to win her back. Invited to the woman's home, Guy discovers that Girl has a toddler and lives with her mother.
图片包含 文字、地址、标题 三部分,格式为

一对 *
或 _
包括的文字会被显示为斜体,词组中的 _
Guy decides to move to London, but he wants to record a demo of his songs to take with him and asks Girl to record it with him. They secure a bank loan and reserve time at a recording studio. Guy learns Girl has a husband in the _Czech Republic_.
Guy decides to move to London, but he wants to record a demo of his songs to take with him and asks Girl to record it with him. They secure a bank loan and reserve time at a recording studio. Guy learns Girl has a husband in the Czech Republic.
一对 **
或 __
包括的文字会被加粗,词组中的 __
When he asks if she still loves her husband, Girl answers in Czech, "**Miluji tebe**" ("I love you"), but coyly declines to translate. After recruiting a band from other buskers, they go into the studio to record.
When he asks if she still loves her husband, Girl answers in Czech, "Miluji tebe" ("I love you"), but coyly declines to translate. After recruiting a band from other buskers, they go into the studio to record.
一对 `
或 ``
They impress Eamon, the jaded studio engineer, with their first song ("When Your Mind's Made Up"). On a break in the early morning, Girl finds a piano in an empty studio and plays Guy one of her own compositions ("`The Hill`").
They impress Eamon, the jaded studio engineer, with their first song ("When Your Mind's Made Up"). On a break in the early morning, Girl finds a piano in an empty studio and plays Guy one of her own compositions ("
The Hill
脚注由注解与引用两部分组成,被一个标签关联起来。注解部分格式为 [^标签]: 注解
,会被放到页面的底部。引用部分格式为 [^标签]
"Falling Slowly"[^falling-slowly] won the 2007 Academy Award for Best Original Song.
[^falling-slowly]: "Falling Slowly", available at [NeteaseMusic](
"Falling Slowly"1 won the 2007 Academy Award for Best Original Song.
1"Falling Slowly", available at NeteaseMusic.
输入 \
可将紧随其后的一个标点符号转义为普通文本。例如,双反斜杠 \\
被显示为它自身 \
Before leaving for the airport\, Guy buys Girl a piano and makes arrangements for its delivery\, then calls his ex\-girlfriend\, who is happy about his imminent arrival\. \
Girl reunites with her husband in Dublin and plays the piano in their home\.
Before leaving for the airport, Guy buys Girl a piano and makes arrangements for its delivery, then calls his ex-girlfriend, who is happy about his imminent arrival.
Girl reunites with her husband in Dublin and plays the piano in their home.
Markdown 中可以直接使用 HTML 标签。如果想在 HTML 标签内部再使用 Markdown 语法,需用空行分隔。
<div style="background-color: #fadce1; padding: .2rem 2rem">
The story in the examples is taken from [Wikipedia](<>).
The story in the examples is taken from Wikipedia.